Frequently Asked Questions
Q. Does Zimple Inc. provide legal documents?
A. Zimple provides sample drafts of loan documents that are configurable to our Zimple system. They are sample documents and any legal document should be reviewed by a competent attorney. You can find our free loan documents and worksheets at the following link:
Q. Do you have sample Loan documents?
A. Yes. We offer guests and members sample loan documents. We highly recommend that guests and members use these drafts as such and have all legal documents reviewed and prepared by an attorney familiar with such agreements. The documents are only sample agreements.
Q. Do you offer a document files?
A. Yes. Zimple offers a document vault that may be used to upload documents associated with the contract. The document vault might include signed notes, side agreements, or collateral documentation. Almost any type of file can be uploaded. Documents can be uploaded by the contract originator and be viewed by all parties of the agreement.